Hi BAC Shark Families,
Does Friday’s snow have you dreaming about summer swim? Me too. We’re less than six weeks from the start to pre-season. Woo-hoo!
Thank you to those who have registered.
Welcome to all of our new families.
Welcome back to returning families.
We are thrilled to have you and your swimmers part of the team and look forward to a fun and exciting season ahead.
If you have not yet registered your swimmers, we ask that you please do as soon as possible at
https://bacsharks.com — this will help determine coaching staff, apparel and other team logistics.
If you want to discuss anything prior to signing up, please reach out to swimteam@bacmi.net.
For quick reference, details can be found in our new
Below are next steps for ALL team members and families.
If you were not prompted to provide or update your child’s t-shirt size when registering, please do so right away in
TeamUnify. This will be used to order our 2024 team t-shirt.
If you registered, despite the “pending status”, you are approved. We will not formally approve registrations in the system until practice starts in order to ensure you are billed for the appropriate level. If your child is new to the team, please contact Coach Paul to set up an evaluation:
If your child is returning but thinks they may level up, Paul will evaluate at the first practice.
We ask that every family please sign up to volunteer at one of our four home events (6/1, 6/18, 6/25 and 7/9).
Our swim team cannot function without the support of all of our family volunteers. The main help needed is for timing (we must have two timers per lane). While this may sound daunting, most timers end up loving it. It gives you a chance to be behind the blocks (otherwise a no-no for parents), to be part of the action (you may even get splashed a bit) and meet other swimmers and parents.
A parent or family representative must volunteer for the whole meet or the shift can be split between people. Links to sign up are available on TeamUnify respective to the dates. Navigate to Events, Respective Event (ie June 18 Home Meet vs CCD, Job Signup)
Swim Chairs are available to provide more information and clarity if needed. We will have laptops ready for sign up at upcoming events too.
Please note this ask really is a mandate. Please do not make us hound you or enforce negative consequences if your family does not sign up. Our swim team (and every swim meet) is run by parent volunteers.
Upcoming Events at BAC
4/14, 5-7:30p: Summer Showcase to learn about ALL 2024 BAC summer programs for kids
4/23, 5-8p: Swim Team Kick Off with Dinner. Join Shark coaches, swimmers and parents to kick off our season. Come with questions (or not) and stay for dinner. Apparel will be on site to see, feel, try-on and purchase items. Store will remain open for one week after.
5/11, 6p-8p: Shark Alumni & Parent’s Night Out. In recognizing this year’s MICSA Final’s theme of Island Time, join Parents and Shark Alumni for eats and drinks, island tunes, and highly coveted raffle items (club parking spot, hint hint).
Go Sharks,
Alyson and Katie