Hi Shark Families,
Posting twice this week in advance of Tuesday’s Open House. Our Apparel Online Store is NOW OPEN and ready for shopping.
If you’ve driven by the club this week, you’ve likely noticed the pool is uncovered and looking as beautiful as ever. This makes us very excited!
Enjoy your weekend.
We officially have 100 swimmers registered for the 2024 season! We are growing and thrilled to see so many returning and new faces. We have a lot of new Shark families and can’t wait to meet you all. Please continue encouraging friends who are interested or considering the team to contact us. Even better, bring them to Tuesday’s Open House. Sign up with this link on main BAC site.
Head Coach Paul Ellis will be joined by five additional Assistant Coaches. This coach to swimmer ratio is something to celebrate. Thank you, BAC! More info on our coaches coming soon.
Our 2024 Apparel Online Store is OPEN for business. The store will remain open until May 1. Orders should be fulfilled by our June 1 Blue and White Meet.
We highly encourage every swimmer to purchase a BAC swimsuit if you do not have one that works from a prior year. The suit is the same however it has been updated with our new logo. If you haven’t noticed, we made subtle but impactful changes to our logo. SHARKS was modified and BAC added so there is no question that WE ARE BAC!
Swimsuits and other apparel are not returnable. Come to Tuesday’s Open House to try on items. If you cannot make it, you can try on a suit at the Varsity Shop on Adams. Be sure to tell them you are with BAC so they can get you the selected suit.
Swimmers and families are NOT required to purchase swim team branded apparel. We do however love to show our Shark pride at meets whether it’s by wearing BAC blue and white or branded apparel.
Reminder: Every swimmer will receive a team t-shirt and one team swim cap at the June 1 Blue and White Meet.
New: Additional swim caps with names can be purchased via the online store.
We are excited to share the addition of personalized BAC towels. They’re plush, warm, sharp and a fan favorite. The cost per towel is $50. There will be a sample at Tuesday’s Open House. These are sold through a different vendor. Ordering will also be open until May 1 and can be done through TeamUnify. It is set up as an event with the date of April 19. Select YES for any swimmer who wants a towel. Please note the name you want on the towel. $50 per towel will be chitted to your BAC account.
Immense thank you to our Apparel Committee of Sheila Chaudhary, Arielle Helfman and Kari Skubik. You ladies outdid yourselves. We will be the best dressed in the pool, on deck and at the club. GO SHARKS!
Join us at the club on Saturday, May 11 at 6p for a Parent and Alumni night out. This will be a great chance to meet new faces and see those you’ve missed since last July. Summer is a lot for parents. Let’s celebrate ourselves and the fun we’re going to have this season ahead. There will be eats, drinks, island tunes, and highly coveted raffle items.
Theme is ISLAND TIME (a little taste of this year’s MICSA Swim Finals). Island Time Attire STRONGLY ENCOURAGED.
If you want to donate to adult centric raffle items, please email SwimTeam@bacmi.net. We need donations!
Pre-Season starts May 13. It is offered Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Saturday through May 25. Sign up by day or for the week in TeamUnify.
Tentative Schedule
Monday – Thursday
Jaws/Hammers – 5:00-6:15
Tigersharks 5:30-6:30
Fins 6:00-6:30
Jaws 8-9:30
Hammerheads 9:15-10:30
Tigersharks 10:30-11:30
Fins 11:00-11:30
A parent or family representative must volunteer for the whole meet or the shift can be split between people. Links to sign up are available on TeamUnify respective to the dates. Navigate to Events, Respective Event (ie June 18 Home Meet vs CCD, Job Signup)
Swim Chairs are available to provide more information and clarity if needed.